General planetary influences

The coordinates of the planets and houses
Sun Cancer 9° 33'
Moon Taurus 5° 15'
Mercury Cancer 27° 5'
Venus Cancer 16° 43'
Mars Taurus 15° 52'
Jupiter Gemini 8° 11'
Saturn Pisces 19° 26'
Uranus Taurus 25° 43'
Neptune Pisces 29° 56'
Pluto Aquarius 1° 23'
NDE Aries 11° 29'
ASC Aries 6° 5'
II Taurus 24° 32'
III Gemini 15° 53'
IV Cancer 1° 52'
V Cancer 18° 14'
VI Leo 11° 20'
VII Libra 6° 5'
VIII Scorpio 24° 32'
IX Sagittarius 15° 53'
MC Capricorn 1° 52'
XI Capricorn 18° 14'
XII Aquarius 11° 20'
День планеты
Monday - Moon

The Day of the Moon. This is the day when the energy of the Moon, deferent to the bright ones of the Sun, may tempt to more modest, measured, quiet life. Daily pursuits, worries, duties, household routine, everything required for maintenance and support of life. People can be more exposed to the change of mood, and more sensitive. Your home and household chores may prove to be more important than winning career heights.

Градус Солнца
Градус Солнца 9° 33′ Cancer

The degree of the Sun and Cancer

The degree of astrologists, clairvoyance. Occultism. Well-deserved fortune through the use of secret means. The degree of secret societies. Success in businesses (ASA). Diligence, danger, loyalty. The degree of Jupiter (Kefer)

"A beautiful diamond takes on a perfect shape". Intense exercises to reveal the complete ideal. Mastery. Spiritual fulfillment, the pinnacle of the civilized existence. Actualization of potentials and expression of the True Self (Radjar)

Фазы Луны
Waning Gibbous. Fourth phase

Decrescent moon (from Full Moon till Dark Moon). Tt is time when the Moon follows the Sun. It is time when it is better to work on quality assurance, iron out details, bring to the due level. Any types of fasting diets, fasts, cleansing procedures are better to carry out in the decrescent Moon. It is believed that parting with something you want to get rid of and completing something are more efficient in the decrescent Moon. For example, leaving your current job in the decrescent Moon is preferable, and starting the new one is better with the increscent Moon.

The forth phase (270-360). You are wise and experienced already. Put into the "piggy bank" whatever deserves it and is viable, and overboard whatever turned to be unnecessary and disturbing. Make room for new affairs and next endeavors. Pay the debts, make final settlements, deliver on promises and have it coming. Do not forget to thank somehow those who served you in any way assisted and was sympathetic to your problems and business. Go by the rules and the proved methods. It is not the time for experiments, especially if you are not quite ready for them. It is time to correct mistakes and ground soften for future crops. And be sure to take at least a small break before the next "breakthrough". The more so because a lot of people feel the loss of strength, get tired quicker before the Full Moon, their reaction slows down.

Луна в знаке
Луна in Taurus 00:00 - 24:00

The Moon in this sign succeeds in revealing its best qualities. It is a good time for doing any household work. You may make successful purchase, if the Moon phase is favorable of course. During this period the person combines successfully emotional enthusiasm and patience, readiness for hard work, intent to achieve practical result. This time suits for earning money. You may win consent in the family, taking due account of the interests of every family member, based on respect to each other. The ladies will be pleased with getting something nice as a present, while the men - something reliable and usable. It is a favorable period for sewing, design, art works of any type. You may cook generous, filling and delicious dinner, your stomach will manage it now. Just use natural fresh organic products. It is really good time for all types of garden works and walks in nature. It is not recommended to plant and seed in the end of April and in May, as the Moon is passing over this sign during the dark moon.

Аспекты Луны
Moon sextile with the Sun 07:56
it is favorable for creative work, active business, promotion of important businesses and ideas, active private life.
Moon iconjunct Mars 19:19

The agenda may include issues, requiring active involvement. There is increased probability of disputes, aggravation of competition. Anger and irritation may push to rash words and actions. There is no patience for criticism. There is increased probability of accidents, traumas. Difficulties in love affairs are not out of question.

Moon sextile Venus 21:42

It is good for dispute resolution, financial and legal matters, joint projects, private life. It is the time of well-being, visits to beauty salons, cultural events, visits to theatres, exhibitions, excursions. It promotes purchases, artistic and aesthetic projects. Invites to feasts, collaboration and agreement. It tunes in.

Лунный день
Twenty-fourth lunar day 00:00 - 00:28

Symbol - a bear, a rock, a mountain.

This lunar day contains huge transforming and creative power. It is a time to destroy the old and create the new. Good practice is starting new big deals, go ahead with global projects. The day is related to construction. It was the very day they laid in pyramides in Ancient Egypt.

A nice day for active creative work, medical treatment and health strengthening. Power physical exercises are of particular assistance. It is good to be in nature, prepare and drink herbal brews. The day is favorable for awakening and transformation of sexual energy.

You need to eat stodgy food, as energy will burn anyway, do not fast, drink less and do not consume food, containing much liquid.

As for medical matter, the reproduction system is most vulnerable.

Stones -black jasper, airy obsidian (depth translucent), malachite, blue nephrate, grossular.

Twenty-fifth lunar day 00:28 - 24:00

Symbol - a turtle, a shell, an urn, two vessels of living and dead water.

The day of passivity, solitude, and peace. Do not show activity, haste, fuss, and running. Avoid accidental contacts and surprises. This is a day of concentration, self-absorption, removal of physical and spiritual waste. Listen to your inner voice, think over your life and your view of life. Any sign shall be treated as a direction this day. Finally you will obtain new powers.

This day should be dynamic enough and devoted to control of thoughts, engage with your own conciousness, but join just when they ask you for. No ungrounded participation and work this day. Respond to any outside provocations just when they ask you, make you join, but do not initiate and provoke cases on your own.

Do not start new business this day, but complete the unfinished one.

Do not take medicines, cigarettes, hard food, everything that "clogs" the brain function. Ears are the vulnerable part of the body, do not clean them, pierce or perform operations.

Stones - spars (amulets), tiger’s eye, hawk’s eye (light blue and blue), cat’s eye (green), prazem, all fossils (wood, coal, shell), bloodstone, pink marble.

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