General planetary influences

The coordinates of the planets and houses
Sun Cancer 14° 19'
Moon Cancer 13° 19'
Mercury Leo 5° 35'
Venus Cancer 22° 52'
Mars Taurus 19° 27'
Jupiter Gemini 9° 16'
Saturn Pisces 19° 24'
Uranus Taurus 25° 56'
Neptune Pisces 29° 56'
Pluto Aquarius 1° 16'
NDE Aries 10° 48'
ASC Aries 20° 22'
II Gemini 1° 10'
III Gemini 20° 43'
IV Cancer 6° 24'
V Cancer 23° 23'
VI Leo 18° 54'
VII Libra 20° 22'
VIII Sagittarius 1° 10'
IX Sagittarius 20° 43'
MC Capricorn 6° 24'
XI Capricorn 23° 23'
XII Aquarius 18° 54'
День планеты
Saturday - Saturn

The Day of Saturn. Re-framing the famous remark on Saturday, one may say that the only dids allowed for this day are the righteous ones. Symbolics of this strong planet predisposes to responsibility, restraint, patience, following the rules. Fuss and haste are not appropriate. It is time for speculation, concentration, comprehension of what has been done and lived. It is better not to start new business and fast-implemented projects. The principles of Saturn do not match various excesses and abuses too. Many recreational and spiritual systems recommend this day for fasting or reducing diet.

Градус Солнца
Градус Солнца 14° 19′ Cancer

The degree of Jupiter and Sagittarius, exaltation of Jupiter.

The degree of astrologists. Fictitious fame, boasting, cunning, duplicity. [+] diplomacy, disinclination to marriage. With plain aspects of Mars, Venus, and the luminaries-there is homosexuality (ASA). Power, arrogance, high aspirations, commercial talent, musical sense. When damaged by Mars - there is a risk of paralysis, if ASC is in movable signs -there is a tendency to commit suicide. The degree of the Moon (Kefer). Degree of happiness; degree of business (deVore)

"Cheerful but lazy people are resting after a big feast". A necessity, existing at an early stage of the human growth, to materialize the idea of accomplishment (performance). Materialization of spiritual. The direction to the superficial for the sake of strengthening yourself. Commiting oneself to feelings. Unreasonable satiety. Dullness (Radjar)

Фазы Луны
New Moon

The Dark Moon. Conjunction of the Moon and the Sun. The Moon is between the Earth and The Sun and turns to the Earth with its dark side, thus it is invisible. It is time of decreased vitality, people have strength for nothing, especially those with hypotonia. It is difficult to make the situation clear and orientate yourself properly. You may lack cautiousness, some actions may happen to be premature or unnecessary at all, as it happens afterwards. Emotional decline may result in depression. Do not risk, make final decisions for matters of importance and take upon heavy commitments. Overloads are harmful, you better do something new and interesting, not too time-consuming, routine and responsible. It is nice to enroll to the new courses, try any new creative direction, communicate with interesting people. Do not give promises to others and do not take too serious their promises to you.

Луна в знаке
Луна in Cancer 00:00 - 24:00

The Moon is the strongest here, you may use its energy to tune your family relations and do the household. Try to cook tasty and healthy food. There should be thin dishes, soup, fruit, drinks on the counter, do not only overdo with alcohol. Emotional environment invites to warm, gentle communication. It is good both for parents with children, and for the couples in love. It is an excellent time for cleaning, washing, any garden works. Water and fertilize your plants. It is a good time for communication with animals. Favorable are weekend outing by the water, swimming, picking mushrooms and berries. Do any businesses with feeling, in receptive mood. Postpone to another period dry, emotionless types of works and events, requiring stability. Make purchases, but those to please your heart. It is moderately favorable time for money matters.

Аспекты Луны
Moon iconjunct with the Sun 01:57

Unbalanced energy. Important things should be postponed. Pay attention to your health. You may lack powers and energy. Hard times to start no matter what. You may be short of information, it is hard to make sound decision. It is favorable to think over new projects, create prototypes. Most likely, not every promise, given during this period, will translate into actions.

Moon trine Saturn 11:09

It is time appropriate for communication with superiors, state structures, solving formal issues, projects and events related to real estate and construction, for solving practical issues, bringing things to real results. It is time to solve practical tasks.

Moon sextile Mars 11:56

It is favorable for active promotion of your projects. Good for business pressure, love adventures, sports, physical labor. Display of initiative, "no pain, no gain", it is good to attract the opportunities, you aim for. Participation in new, short-term projects.

Moon iconjunct Venus 19:27

Your agenda may include personal matters, dispute resolution and finding compromises, joint projects, legal and financial matters. You may be tempted to buy something beautiful, start adorning yourself and decorating your house or something else, participate in social and cultural events.

Moon sextile Uranus 23:23

It is nice for new ideas and technologies, independent and extraordinary decisions, meetings with friends, participation in group events. Occultism, esotery, spiritual practices. Favours projects, related to information and computer technologies.

Лунный день
Twenty-ninth lunar day 00:00 - 01:57

Symbol - an octopus, a hydra.

The most dangerous and awful day of the lunar month. It is time for dark moonless nights of Hecate, when astral fog thickens, witches and magicians do their dirty tricks. People become weak, their energy is depleted. You need to take care of reliable protection. Restrain false and unnecessary contacts, avoid annoying and narrow-souled people, get rid of dark thoughts and hopeless longing. It is the most inadequate day for drinking alcohol.

Do not make any plans even in your thoughts, do not start new business. You better keep the house, the household and business of small importance. Do not believe any promises, predictions, forecasts. If it is the last lunar month day, strike the balance.

Fortunetelling and other subtle practices are strongly forbidden. Do not wear products made of bone and horn. Good practise is lighting the candle, the lampion, fume the premise with sweet smells.

Good idea is to observe fasting and abstinence. It is advisable to bake bread, pancakes, pies. Eat baked products, as well as barley and all cereals, it is better to eat more dairy food, meat is not advisable. Take a shower or keep your feet in cool water before going to bed.

The most vulnerable organs are the large bowel and anus. Do not clysterize and make injections in the buttocks.

Stones - black pearl, mother of pearl, obsidian, cacholong, white opal, labradorite, colored jasper.

First lunar day 01:57 - 03:22

Symbol - a lampion, a lampad, a lamp.

It is a nice, clear and bright day. Devote this day to everything, uplifting your soul. The day is unfavorable to teamwork, thus avoid throngs of people and unnecessary contacts. It might be well to remember your childhood, figure out our life path, read the books on history of your nation. Talk about all your thoughts and pains to yourself, forgive the wrong to your friends and haters; this eliminates all accumulated complexes.

This day has some magical properties. It is suitable for involvement with mental energies, as well as thought forms. Be careful with reflections - it is possible that you develop thought forms, which may translate into reality and bring disaster.

It is also a day for creative concepts. Do not start new businesses, just plan them. All plans of this day can materialized later on without let or hindrance from our side. 

As for medical matters, this day is related to your head. Do not overwork, do not eat hot and spicy food, drink alcohol, as your energy may be released into your internal organs. In return, this may cause calculi formation. First of all, eliminate mental causes of your illnesses. The one catching illness this day may be ill long, but is sure to recover.

Stones - diamonds, rock crystals.

Second lunar day 03:22 - 24:00

Symbol - jaws, the horn of plenty, a catching mouth.

The second lunar day is good for fast and setting a proper diet. It is nice to start a course of physical exercises this day.

Do not give oneself up to anger, avoid conflicts and willies this day. The day predisposes to greediness, therefore develop generosity in every possible way and do not feel sorry for what we break free of.

This day you may define things useful and harmful to your body. Imagine all products you eat. If you feel disgusted with something, it’s not your food. The one you want is useful for you. The same refers to people - you may suddenly feel the one you need to communicate, and the one you needn’t.

As for medical matters, pay attention to your mouth, tooth, upper part of the palate. Illnesses of this day are of short duration and have no dangerous after-effects.

Stones - jadeite, calcedony, chatoyant agate.


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