General planetary influences

The coordinates of the planets and houses
Sun Cancer 11° 27'
Moon Gemini 2° 58'
Mercury Leo 0° 35'
Venus Cancer 19° 11'
Mars Taurus 17° 19'
Jupiter Gemini 8° 37'
Saturn Pisces 19° 25'
Uranus Taurus 25° 48'
Neptune Pisces 29° 56'
Pluto Aquarius 1° 20'
NDE Aries 11° 20'
ASC Aries 11° 55'
II Taurus 27° 14'
III Gemini 17° 50'
IV Cancer 3° 41'
V Cancer 20° 17'
VI Leo 14° 18'
VII Libra 11° 55'
VIII Scorpio 27° 14'
IX Sagittarius 17° 50'
MC Capricorn 3° 41'
XI Capricorn 20° 17'
XII Aquarius 14° 18'
Aspects between planets
04:41 120
10:27 180
День планеты
Wednesday - Mercury

The Day of Mercury. The Energy of Mercury facilitates intellectual and analytical activity, active communication, working with information, training and teaching activity, negotiations, working with documents, signing contracts. People can become more communicative and sociable. Mercury symbolics is fortunate for writing, journalism, publishing activities, reports and presentations.

Градус Солнца
Градус Солнца 11° 27′ Cancer

The Degree of Mercury and Virgo

There is a chance to fall under the power of animal instincts, which will lead either to phobias, or crimes. If the general constellation predisposes to creativity, then there will be creative sublimation (ASA). It is related to Lubeck. Impudence, strength, arrogance. Losses. A capable worker. The degree of Sun (Kefer).

"A Chinese woman nurses a child with nimbus". Detection of concealed value in experience, viewed in its deeper meaning. Revelation. A promise to all people that God can be born in their souls. Personal integration. Enlightenment or disillusion (Radjar)

Фазы Луны
Waning Gibbous. Fourth phase

Decrescent moon (from Full Moon till Dark Moon). Tt is time when the Moon follows the Sun. It is time when it is better to work on quality assurance, iron out details, bring to the due level. Any types of fasting diets, fasts, cleansing procedures are better to carry out in the decrescent Moon. It is believed that parting with something you want to get rid of and completing something are more efficient in the decrescent Moon. For example, leaving your current job in the decrescent Moon is preferable, and starting the new one is better with the increscent Moon.

The forth phase (270-360). You are wise and experienced already. Put into the "piggy bank" whatever deserves it and is viable, and overboard whatever turned to be unnecessary and disturbing. Make room for new affairs and next endeavors. Pay the debts, make final settlements, deliver on promises and have it coming. Do not forget to thank somehow those who served you in any way assisted and was sympathetic to your problems and business. Go by the rules and the proved methods. It is not the time for experiments, especially if you are not quite ready for them. It is time to correct mistakes and ground soften for future crops. And be sure to take at least a small break before the next "breakthrough". The more so because a lot of people feel the loss of strength, get tired quicker before the Full Moon, their reaction slows down.

Луна в знаке
Луна in Gemini 00:00 - 24:00

Influenced by this Moon, are you set on communication and collection of data. The Moon in Gemini gingers up, makes you easy-going. Be ready to respond fast to new circumstances and information. Look through fresh newspapers, watch and listen to the news. It is a good time for trips and buying tickets. It is favorable for meetings with friends, neighbours, relatives. It is better to start businesses, accepting flexibility, and amendments in the course of their development, preferably planned as short-term. You may even manage to do several different jobs, and complete the one you left earlier. It is a lucky period for all types of training. You may learn from each other in the family, master knowledge together. As for gardening, do things, requiring no long time and huge physical efforts. Invent something interesting to cook, use a new recipe, try not to spend much time and efforts.

Лунный день
Twenty-sixth lunar day 00:00 - 00:57

Symbol - a toad, a swamp.

The toad, like the snake, is the synonym for wisdom. But this wisdom makes no good to human, since he is lying in wait for a false seduction by his own achievements.

It is one of the dangerous critical days, when people are predisposed to conflicts. They fuss in vain, engage in idle chatter, gossip. There is a risk to overspend your energy

on trifles. Thus it is recommended to refrain from actions, rest and spend energy efficiently. You need to give up unnecessary contacts and relations, be selective in interpersonal relations. Do not undertake and start anything this day, as all of this is sure to bring about losses and damage only. Fast and abstention are recommended.

You may have a wish to boast, overstate your achievement. In any case, do not do it, you are sure to be ashamed afterwards.

The day inclines people to wasting money, unnecessary purchases, stupid behavior. There is high probability of robbery and losses. You should to be organized and attentive to the maximum.

Good practice is less running, more sweat, do massage, cosmetic surgery, unwrinkle and remove warts and birth marks, act upon points and channels.

It is better to eat more fish and herbs this day. Eating all round vegetables and fruit, highly liquid-satured is banned. Meat is not advisable. Avoid smoke and smoke-logged premises. In the ideal case extract teeth this day.

Stones - orpiment, yellow nephrite, jadeite, chrysoprase.

Twenty-seventh lunar day 00:57 - 24:00

Symbol - a trident, a crosier, a ship, an anchor.

If you do not immerse yourself too much in the daily routine, and devote your own thoughts to the sublime, then you can suddenly find a solution to a problem that bothers you long since. Do not miss this chance.

It is good to listen to music, changes and communication with nature are useful. The day is lucky for any work, planting and sowing, for communication with parents and elder relatives. Not for you are excessive drinking, hypnosis, avoid any "fog", mental effects.

Lower legs are the most vulnerable part of the body. Assumption is that this day the consequence of poor lifestyle could be disorder of luquid transportation, inflamed lymph nodes, lymphatic system and blood diseases. Donation is contraindicated this day. Do not use chemical reagents.

Stones - purple transparent amethyst, emerald, adularia, pink and raspberry quartz, selenite.

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